Scelsi Morning

(new music)

Marc Ribot, Marco Cappelli & Ensemble Dissonanzen 

Ribot’s 2003 album Scelsi Morning (Tzadik) was a wink and a nod towards “that very tiny and probably narrowing subset of people who get the Joni Mitchell and the Giacinto Scelsi reference.” Inspired by the late Italian visionary composer, the album contains no sprightly ‘60s pop covers. Originally composed as dance pieces for choreographers Wim Vandekybus and Yoshiko Chiuma, it’s indeed one of the guitarist’s most challenging efforts.

For the Salzburg Festival in 2007, these compositions were further fleshed out in collaboration with new-music guitarist Marco Cappelli and his Italian-based ENSEMBLE DISSONANZEN. Together they created a program combining Mr. Ribot’s compositions alongside pieces by Giancinto Scelsi. 

“What they’ve put together is quite beautiful. If you want to hear Giacinto Scelsi solo pieces, you’ll get to hear the flute piece, the piano piece, the organ piece and even the saxophone piece. It’s more of Scelsi’s solo work than you’ll ever hear in one place in a good long time, and then you get my record thrown in too.” –Marc Ribot

Featuring: Marc Ribot (guitar), Marco Cappelli (guitar and bass), Tommaso Rossi (flutes), Marco Sannini (trumpet), Ciro Longobardi (piano), Francesco d'Errico (synthesizer) and special guest Christine Bard (drums).